Pilot whale in dappled light

Pilot whale in dappled light

 Bottlenose dolphin and calf

Bottlenose dolphin and calf

 Rainbow and pilot whale

Rainbow and pilot whale

Pilot Spout

Pilot Spout

Pilot whale surfacing in calm waters

Diving dolphins

Diving dolphins

Bottlenose dolphines racing the boat

Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

Mother dolphin teaching calves to fish

Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

Underwater bottlenose dolphin herding fish

 Bottlenose dolphins surfacing

Bottlenose dolphins surfacing

Into the Blue

Into the Blue

Pilot whale diving

 Dolphin and calf

Dolphin and calf



Short-finned Pilot Whale

Short-finned Pilot Whale

Pilot whale dorsal fin

Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

Underwater dolphin herding fish

Basking Pilot Whale

Basking Pilot Whale

Pilot whale in sunlit shallows

Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

Mother and calf

Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

Dolphins herding fish

Pilot and Peaks

Pilot and Peaks

Pilot whale swimming past the sheer Cliff faces near Lost Gigantes

 Pilot whale and Teide

Pilot whale and Teide